Not only did we attract Moths, we also seemed to be attracting Aircraft as many more than normal passed over-head, also we got collared by the Police in ...wait for it.... a Smart Car! they thought we were burying a body!! errr no...even if we were the ground would have been too bloody solid to do any digging...then they let us go.
The Hornets were out in force with Graham's trap pulling in half a dozen and one to my trap which was potted up quickly! although they remained pretty docile thankgod!
As the Moth traps did not seem to be producing much, we decided to wander around searching for Moths, after finding one we soon came across 2, 3, 4....and the rest was history. They seemed to just be sitting on the bracken it almost being too cold for them to fly.
Pick of the bunch of the Moths was a Flounced Chestnut, a new Moth for both Graham and I, what a superb looking Moth! and made the cold evening worthwhile.
That's it for Thorndon Park this year, but we will be back next year hopefull in search of some rarer species.
Catch Report - Thorndon Country Park - 160w MBT Robinson Trap + 125w MV Robinson
Flounced Chestnut


Macro Moths
1x Flounced Chestnut [NFS]
12x Brick
2x Chestnut
3x Common Marbled Carpet
1x Feathered Thorn
5x Lunar Underwing
1x Pink-barred Sallow
4x Red-green Carpet
3x Yellow-line Quaker
2x Barred Sallow
1x Sallow
Acleris rhombana

Micro Moths
2x Acleris emargana
1x Emmelina monodactyla
1x Acleris notana/ferrugana
1x Acleris rhombana
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