I was back at my parents on Tuesday night armed with 5
traps and enough cable to spread them around to try and maximise light
The day was scorching hot and quite unbearable for work
as I had to drive around a giant greenhouse on wheels, a minibus!
At setting up time at 9pm it was still a Mediterranean 25
degrees and it only dropped to 20c at 4am so it was absolutely perfect, bar the
full moon and gusty wind. But you can't have everything can you?
The moths were quick to the lights and the list was
creeping up steadily and by midnight we had over 100 species which was pleasing
Some local species were nice to see, such as Waved Black and Dotted
Best moth was probably my second ever Anarsia lineatella, having seen my first a few
weeks ago at the same location and in the same trap! It was to be the 3rd
County record.
I was pleased to get a fresh example of Grapholita funebrana, a first for me and possibly
may have been over-looked in the past.
Another new moth for me was a Cochylis
I also potted up an unusual looking Scoparia, which seems to resemble subfusca but it still doesn't look quite right
for any of the British species, it most likely is an aberrant form of one of
the commoner Scoparids. Again it will
be checked to verify the record.
Edit : Checked and is an unusual form of Scoparia
The farm never disappoints and this visit was no
different with 167 species recorded.
Edit: Epinotia cinerana now added to the list, another
lifer for me.
Catch Report - 19/07/16 - Farmland - Braughing Friars
- 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap 1x 80w Actinic Briefcase
Trap & 1x 40w Actinic/26w BLB Trap
Macro Moths - 72 Species
Angle Shades 1
August Thorn 1
Barred Red 1
Barred Straw 2
Beautiful Hook-tip 5
Blue-bordered Carpet 1
Brimstone Moth 4
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 2
Brown-line Bright-eye 3
Brown-tail 4
Buff Arches 2
Buff Ermine 1
Buff Footman 1
Burnished Brass 2
Cinnabar 3
Clay 10
Cloaked Minor 20+
Clouded Border 3
Clouded Silver 2
Common Carpet 2
Common Footman 15+
Common Rustic 15+
Common Wainscot 1
Common Wave 1
Dark Arches 5
Dark Umber 4
Dingy Footman 25+
Dingy Shears 1
Dot Moth 20+
Dotted Fan-foot 1
Double Square-spot 3
Drinker 5
Dun-bar 4
Dusky Sallow 3
Dwarf Cream Wave 10
Early Thorn 1
Elephant Hawk-moth 1
Engrailed 6
Fan-foot 2
Fern 5
Flame 2
Green Pug 1
Haworth's Pug 1
Heart & Dart 2
July Highflyer 6
Large Emerald 4
Large Twin-spot Carpet 6
Large Yellow Underwing 10
Latticed Heath 1
Least Carpet 3
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 2
Lesser Common Rustic - Gen Det
Lesser Yellow Underwing 4
Light Arches 1
Light Emerald 5
Maple Pug 2
Marbled Minor 2
Mottled Beauty 5
Mottled Rustic 7
Nutmeg 1
Nut-tree Tussock 1
Peppered Moth 1
Poplar Grey 1
Riband Wave 4
Rustic 2
Scarce Footman 5
Shaded Broad-bar 10
Short-cloaked Moth 2
Shoulder-striped Wainscot 1
Smoky Wainscot 5
Sycamore 1
White Satin Moth 8
Micro Moths - 94 Species
Acentria ephemerella 30+
Acleris forsskaleana 5
Acrobasis advenella 1
Aethes cnicana 6
Aethes rubigana 1
Agapeta hamana 20+
Agonopterix heracliana 1
Agonopterix nervosa 1
Agriphila straminella 1
Anania coronata 2
Anania hortulata 2
Anarsia lineatella 1
Ancylis achatana 2
Anthophila fabriciana 1
Aphomia sociella 5
Apotomis capreana 1
Archips podana 2
Argyrotaenia ljungiana 1
Blastobasis adustella 3
Blastobasis lacticolella 3
Blastodacna hellerella 1
Borkhausenia fuscescens 2
Brachmia blandella 6
Bryotropha affinis 4
Bryotropha terrella 10
Cacoecimorpha pronubana 1
Calamotropha paludella 2
Caloptilia semifascia 2
Catoptria falsella 30+
Catoptria pinella 6
Cedestis gysseleniella 1
Celypha lacunana 20+
Celypha rosaceana 1
Celypha striana 2
Chrysoteuchia culmella 50+
Clepsis consimilana 8
Cochylis roseana 1 [NEW!]
Cochylis hybridella 15+
Cochylis molliculana 1
Coleophora mayrella 1
Coleophora sp (white) 5
Crambus perlella 4
Crassa unitella 12
Cydia splendana 1
Depressaria sp 1
Dicrorampha sp 2
Ditula angustiorana 15+
Endotricha flammealis 4
Endrosis sarcitrella 2
Epiblema costipunctana 2
Epinotia cinerana 1 [NEW!]
Epinotia signatana 2
Eucosma cana 50+
Eucosma obumbratana 2
Eudonia lacustrata 4
Eudonia mercurella 5
Eudonia pallida 1
Euzophora pinguis 3
Galleria mellonella 1
Grapholita funebrana 1 [NEW!]
Hedya nubiferana 5
Helycystogramma rufescens 2
Hofmannophila pseudospretella 5
Hypsopygia costalis 1
Limnaecia phragmitella 4
Lobesia abscisana 8
Metzneria lappella 2
Metzneria metzneriella 1
Mompha ochraceella 20+
Monochroa palustrella 2
Morophaga choragella 1
Nemapogon cloacella 1
Notocelia uddmanniana 3
Pandemis cerasana 1
Pandemis heparana 20
Paraswammerdamia albicapitella 2
Paraswammerdamia nebulella 1
Phtheochroa inopiana 1
Phycita roborella 4
Phycitodes binaevella 2
Pleuroptya ruralis 10
Plutella xylostella 50+
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana 2
Pterophorus pentadactyla 10
Recurvaria leucatella 1
Scoparia ambigualis 2
Scoparia subfusca 8
Spilonota ocellana 15
Stigmella sp 1
Teleiodes vulgella 2
Tinea pellionella 5
Udea olivalis 1
Udea prunalis 6
Yponomeuta evonymella 2
Yponomeuta sp 1
Barred Red |
Recurvaria leucatella |
Cochylis roseana |
Cedestis gysseleniella |
Apotomis capreana |
Six-striped Rustic |
Grapholita funebrana |
Rufous Minor |
![]() |
Scoparia basistrigalis & subfusca |
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