
Hello and welcome to my moth Blog. I now reside in a small village in East Cambridgeshire called Fordham. My Blog's aim is to promote and encourage others to participate in the wonderful hobby that is Moth-trapping.
Moth records are vital for building a picture of our ecosystem around us, as they really are the bottom of the food chain. They are an excellent early indicator of how healthy a habitat is. I openly encourage people to share their findings via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
So why do we do it? well for some people it is to get an insight into the world of Moths, for others it is to build a list of species much like 'Twitching' in the Bird world. The reason I do it....you just never know what you might find when you open up that trap! I hope to show what different species inhabit Cambridgeshire and neighbouring counties.
On this Blog you will find up-to-date records and pictures.
I run a trap regularly in my garden and also enjoy doing field trips to various localities over several different counties.
Please also check out the links in the sidebar to the right for other people's Blogs and informative Websites.
Thanks for looking and happy Mothing!


NFY = New Species For The Year
NFG = New Species For The Garden
NEW! = New Species For My Records

Any Species highlighted in RED signifies a totally new species for my records.

If you have any questions or enquiries then please feel free to email me
Contact Email : bensale@rocketmail.com

My Latest Notables and Rarities

Saturday 6 June 2020

Field Trip - Bramfield Park Woods - 02/06/20

An excellent evening was had on Tuesday night, with a warm day, but a slightly cooling evening, we did have the moon to contend with, that was shining bright especially during the first few hours without cloud.
Cloud finally rolled in at around midnight as we started to pack away.

We ran 6 traps in total (3 each in different areas of the wood).

There were lots of good moths observed, but with the recent drought-like conditions, there weren't many Mscro moths, paticularly Noctuids in any good numbers (The theory is that they struggle to hatch from the Pupa underneath the hard surface of the ground).
There were however a swarm of Tortrix moths and various other species of micro moth (Whom rely solely on pupating within leaf folds or in leaf litter on the woodland floor).

145 species over 3 1/2 hours was extremely pleasing for early June.

Highlights were lots of Great Oak Beauty, which seem to be flying earlier and earlier each year (I've not got a May record yet of this beautiful large grey moth).
Continuing the grey theme, Grey Arches were out, a rather large Noctuid moth that we recorded here last year.

The main interest however was with the micros, and boy there were plenty!

Best species included Adela croesella (only my 3rd ever of this pretty day-flying species), Coleophora kuehnella (New for me), Elachista gangabella (3rd county record) Two Elachista gleichenella (After the catching the 2nd county record last week, 3rd and 4th repectively) and my first confimed Notocelia roseocolana (by dissection).

Below is the list that we managed on the trip.

Catch Report - 02/06/20 - Bramfield Park Woods - North Herts - 6 traps - 1x 125w MV Trap, 1x 160w MBT Trap, 2x 250w Clear MV Robinson Trap, 1x LED Battery Trap &P 1x 40w U-Tube + 15w Actinic tube & 15w Synergetic tube Trap

71 Macro species & 74 Micro species - 145 species in total

Macro Moths 

Barred Yellow 2   
Beautiful Golden Y 1   
Blotched Emerald 15   
Bordered White 1   
Brimstone Moth 2   
Brown Rustic 10   
Brown Silver-line 15   
Buff Ermine 4   
Buff-tip 3   
Clouded Border 2   
Clouded Silver 4   
Clouded-bordered Brindle 5   
Common Carpet 8   
Common Marbled Carpet 5   
Common Swift 20   
Common Wainscot 5   
Common Wave 2   
Common White Wave 2   
Cream Wave 1   
Elephant Hawk-moth 2   
Flame Shoulder 5   
Foxglove Pug 1   
Ghost Moth 1   
Great Oak Beauty 12   
Green Carpet 15   
Grey Arches 3   
Heart & Dart 10   
Ingrailed Clay 10   
Iron Prominent 4   
Large Nutmeg 20   
Large Yellow Underwing 2   
Light Emerald 12   
Lime Hawk-moth 2   
Lobster Moth 2   
Marbled Minor 15   
Marbled White Spot 4   
Middle-barred Minor 8   
Mottled Beauty 2   
Mottled Pug 2   
Oak Hook-tip 2   
Orange Footman 4   
Pale Oak Beauty 8   
Pale Prominent 3   
Pale Tussock 5   
Peach Blossom 3   
Peacock Moth 4   
Pebble Hook-tip 2   
Peppered Moth 2   
Poplar Hawk-moth 2   
Poplar Lutestring 5   
Riband Wave 2   
Rosy Footman 1   
Scorched Carpet 1   
Scorched Wing 5   
Setaceous Hebrew Character 2   
Silver Y 2   
Silver-ground Carpet 5   
Small Elephant Hawk-moth 3   
Small Phoenix 1   
Small White Wave 5   
Snout 5   
Spectacle 1   
Spruce Carpet 2   
Straw Dot 4   
Tawny Marbled Minor 1 - Gen Det BS   
Tawny-barred Angle 4   
Treble Brown Spot 1   
Treble Lines 15   
Turnip Moth 5   
White Ermine 3   
Yellow Shell 3   

Micro Moths

Accentria empherella 2
Adela croesella 1
Alabonia geoferella 8
Aleimma loeflingiana 5
Anania hortulata 1
Ancylis mitterbacheriana 2
Aphomia sociella 2
Apotomis capreana 1
Apotomis turbidana 10
Archips podana 2
Archips xylosteana 1
Argyresthia albistria 3
Argyresthia retinella 1
Argyresthia spinosella 5
Bryotropha terrella 1
Caloptilia betulicola - Gen Det GJS
Capperia britanniodactylus 1
Celypha cespitana 1
Celypha lacunana 4
Chrysoteuchia culmella 5
Clepsis consimilana 1
Cnephasia sp 15
Cochylis molliculana 3
Cochylis nana 2
Coleophora kuehnella - Male - Gen Det GJS
Coleophora serratella pos TBC
Coptotriche marginea 2
Crambus lathoniellus 3
Cydia fagiglandana 15
Cydia nigricana 1
Dioryctia abietella 1
Ditula angustiorana 1
Ectoedemia decentella 1
Elachista gangabella 1 - 3rd County Record
Elachista gleichenella 2 - 3rd & 4th County Record
Elachista triatomea 2
Epermenia falciformis 3
Epinotia abbreviana 1
Epinotia demarniana 2
Epinotia nanana 2
Epinotia tedella 1
Glyphipterix forsterella 5
Grapholita funebrana 1
Grapholita janthinana 1
Gypsonoma sociana 1
Hedya nubiferana 2
Hedya pruniana 5
Hofmannophila pseudospretella 1
Incurvaria oehlmanniella 2
Isotrias rectofasciana 1
Lyonetia clerkella 1
Mompha subbistrigella 1
Morophaga choragella 1
Nemapogon cloacella 5
Nemapogon koenigii 1
Nemophora degeerella 2
Notocelia roseocolana 1 - Gen Det GJS
Notocelia trimaculana 1 - Gen Det GJS
Notocelia uddmanniana 5
Orthotaenia undulana 25
Pandemis cerasana 30
Phycita roborella 1
Plutella xylostella 3
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana 1
Ptycholoma lecheana 2
Rhyacionia pinivorana 1
Scoparia ambigualis 15
Scoparia pyralella 2
Sitochroa verticalis 2
Swammerdamia caesiella 5
Tinea semifulvella 1
Tischeria eklebladella 2
Tortrix viridana 50+
Udea olivalis 1

Actinic Trap down a grassy ride - Elachista heaven!

Adela croesella

Apotomis capreana

Coleophora kuehnella - Male - Gen Det GJS

Elachista gangabella - All black cilia diagnostic

Elachista gleichenella

Epermenia falciformis

Grapholita janthinana

Great Oak Beauty

Grey Arches

Gypsonoma sociana

roseocolana and trimaculana

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