
Hello and welcome to my moth Blog. I now reside in a small village in East Cambridgeshire called Fordham. My Blog's aim is to promote and encourage others to participate in the wonderful hobby that is Moth-trapping.
Moth records are vital for building a picture of our ecosystem around us, as they really are the bottom of the food chain. They are an excellent early indicator of how healthy a habitat is. I openly encourage people to share their findings via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
So why do we do it? well for some people it is to get an insight into the world of Moths, for others it is to build a list of species much like 'Twitching' in the Bird world. The reason I do it....you just never know what you might find when you open up that trap! I hope to show what different species inhabit Cambridgeshire and neighbouring counties.
On this Blog you will find up-to-date records and pictures.
I run a trap regularly in my garden and also enjoy doing field trips to various localities over several different counties.
Please also check out the links in the sidebar to the right for other people's Blogs and informative Websites.
Thanks for looking and happy Mothing!


NFY = New Species For The Year
NFG = New Species For The Garden
NEW! = New Species For My Records

Any Species highlighted in RED signifies a totally new species for my records.

If you have any questions or enquiries then please feel free to email me
Contact Email : bensale@rocketmail.com

My Latest Notables and Rarities

Saturday 15 August 2020

Field Trip - Chippenham Fen - 17/07/20

My last trip out to Chippenham of the year, and after the excitement of the last trip (with the new for Britain Parallel Lines), I wasn't expecting anything that exotic this time!

I did however record a hefty 231 species over 4 lights run from 9:30pm until 2:00am.

The weather was warm and muggy and did not drop below 17 degrees all night.

Several macro moth species were new to me, Goat Moth and Marbled Clover I had only previously seen in France before and the Geometridae moth, the Chevron was completely new for me.

On the micro front Acleris shepherdana & Monochroa lutulentella were also firsts for me.

To see so many moths in the space of  just over 4 hours was incredible.

Below are the results.

Catch Report - 17/07/20 - Chippenham Fen - Cambridgeshire - 4 traps - 1x 125w MV Trap, 1x 160w MBT Trap, 1x 250w Clear MV Robinson Trap & 1x 40w U-Tube + 15w Actinic tube & 15w Synergetic tube Trap

116 Macro species & 115 Micro species - 231 species in total

Macro Moths

Beautiful Hook-tip
Black Arches
Bordered Beauty
Bordered Pug
Bright-line Brown-eye
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Brown Scallop 
Brown-line Bright-eye 
Buff Ermine
Bulrush Wainscot
Cloaked Minor
Clouded Border
Clouded Silver
Common Carpet
Common Footman 
Common Rustic 
Common Wave
Common White Wave
Coxcomb Prominent
Currant Pug
Dark Arches
Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet
Dingy Footman
Dingy Shell
Dotted Fan-foot
Double Lobed 
Double Square-spot
Double-striped Pug
Dusky Sallow
Dusky Thorn 
Dwarf Cream Wave
Early Thorn
Elephant Hawk-morh
Fen Wainscot
Four-spotted Footman 
Ghost Moth
Goat Moth
Grey Dagger 
Haworth's Pug
Iron Prominent
Kent Black Arches
Knot Grass
Large Emerald
Large Twin-spot Carpet
Large Yellow Underwing
Latticed Heath
Least Carpet
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Lesser Cream Wave
Lesser Yellow Underwing
Lime-speck Pug
Lunar Yellow Underwing
Maple Pug
Marbled Beauty
Marbled Clover
Marbled White Spot
Mere Wainscot
Mottled Beauty
Nut-tree Tussock
Pale Prominent
Pebble Hook-tip
Pebble Prominent
Peppered Moth
Pine Hawk-moth
Poplar Grey
Poplar Hawk-moth
Red Twin-spot Carpet
Reed Leopard
Riband Wave
Rosy Footman
Round-winged Muslin
Ruby Tiger
Rufous Minor
Sallow Kitten 
Scalloped Oak 
Scarce Footman
Scarlet Tiger
Shaded Broad-bar
Silver Barred
Silver Y
Single-dotted Wave
Slender Pug 
Small Emerald
Small Fan-footed Wave
Small Phoenix 
Small Rufous 
Small Scallop
Southern Wainscot
Straw Dot
Striped Wainscot
Swallow Prominent
Swallow-tailed Moth
Tree-lichen Beauty
White Satin 
Wormwood Pug
Yellow Shell

Micro Moths

Accentria emphemerella
Acleris comariana/laterana
Acleris forskalleana
Acleris hastiana
Acleris holmiana
Acleris kochiella 
Acleris shepherdana
Acleris variegana
Acompsia cinerella
Acrobasis consociella
Acrobasis suavella
Adaina microdactyla
Aethes rubigana
Agapeta hamana
Agapeta zoegana
Agonopterix alstromeriana
Agonopterix angelicella
Agonopterix ciliella
Agriphila straminella
Agriphila tristella 
Anacampsis blatterialla
Anania hortulata
Anania lancealis
Anania perlucidalis
Aphomia sociella
Archips podana
Argyresthia albistria
Argyresthia brockeella
Argyresthia goedartella
Batia lunaris
Blastobasis adustella
Brachmia blandella
Bryotropha terrella
Bucculatrix nigricomella
Caloptila alchimiella
Caloptilia semifascia
Cameraria ohridella
Carcina quercana
Carpatolechia fugitivella
Cataclysta lemnata
Catoptria pinella 
Celypha lacunana
Celypha striana
Chilo phragmitrella
Chrysoteuchia culmella
Cnephasia sp
Cochylis atricapitana
Cochylis dubitana
Coleophora conspicuella
Cosmopterix scribaiella
Crambus pascuella
Crambus perlella
Cydia fagiglandana
Cydia splendana
Ditula angustiorana
Elachista maculicerusella
Elachista stabilella
Elophila nymphaeata
Endothenia ericetana
Endothenia quadrimaculana
Endotricha flammealis
Epagoge grotiana
Epinotia nisella
Epinotia tenerana
Ethmia dodecea
Ethmia quadrillella
Eucosma cana
Eucosma hohenwartiana
Eucosma obumbratana
Eudemis profundana
Eudonia lacustrata
Eudonia mercurella
Euzophera pinguis
Evergestis pallidata
Gelechia muscosella
Grapholita janthinana
Gypsonoma dealbana
Hedya salicella
Helycystogramma rufescens
Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Homoeosoma sinuella
Hypsopygia costalis
Limnaecia phragmitrella
Lobesia abscisana
Metzneria metzneriella
Mompha ochraceella
Monochroa lutulentella
Notocelia roborana
Nymphula nitidulata
Ostrinia nubilalis
Pammene aurita
Pandemis heparana
Paraswammerdamia nebulella
Parornix sp
Phalonidia manniana
Phtherochroa inopiana
Phycita roborella
Phyllonorycter kleemannella
Phyllonorycter stettinensis
Piniphila bifasciana
Pleuroptya ruralis 
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
Pyrausta purpuralis
Rhyacionia buoliana
Schoenobius gigantella
Scoparia ambigualis
Scoparia basistrigalis
Stathmopoda pedella
Tachystola acroxantha
Teleiodes vulgella
Thiodina subocellana
Tinea pellionella
Tinea trinotella
Yponomeuta cag mal
Yponomeuta evonymella

Schoenobius gigantella

Nymphula nitidulata

Monochroa lutulentella

Marbled Clover

Goat Moth


Acleris shepherdana

Acleris hastiana

125w MV Robinson Trap

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