
Hello and welcome to my moth Blog. I now reside in a small village in East Cambridgeshire called Fordham. My Blog's aim is to promote and encourage others to participate in the wonderful hobby that is Moth-trapping.
Moth records are vital for building a picture of our ecosystem around us, as they really are the bottom of the food chain. They are an excellent early indicator of how healthy a habitat is. I openly encourage people to share their findings via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
So why do we do it? well for some people it is to get an insight into the world of Moths, for others it is to build a list of species much like 'Twitching' in the Bird world. The reason I do it....you just never know what you might find when you open up that trap! I hope to show what different species inhabit Cambridgeshire and neighbouring counties.
On this Blog you will find up-to-date records and pictures.
I run a trap regularly in my garden and also enjoy doing field trips to various localities over several different counties.
Please also check out the links in the sidebar to the right for other people's Blogs and informative Websites.
Thanks for looking and happy Mothing!


NFY = New Species For The Year
NFG = New Species For The Garden
NEW! = New Species For My Records

Any Species highlighted in RED signifies a totally new species for my records.

If you have any questions or enquiries then please feel free to email me
Contact Email : bensale@rocketmail.com

My Latest Notables and Rarities

Saturday 18 June 2022

Catch Report - 16/06/22 - 28 new species on the warmest night of the year

Another bumper catch on the warmest night of the year on Thursday night.
I set the trap up before going out on a field trip to some local heathland, when I returned at 20 past 1 in the morning, the car thermometer still read a heady twenty degrees! 
And checking the trap before bed, I nearly ran out of pots (As a lot of pots had already been used on the field trip).
Come the morning it was a pain trying to fight off a really tame Blackbird! Luckily he didn't get much of a look in, one eye constantly on him, scraping and scratching around whilst walking across the top of our fence.

Below I have just listed the new species for the year/garden. There was around 120 species present, an incredible number for any garden.

Some stunning macro moth species were noted, Scarce Silver-lines was a cracker just because how perfectly formed it was, a Marbled Clover was good to see and continuing the green theme, Cream-bordered Cream Pea was also added to the garden list, a really pretty species.

The micros also astounded me, with 3 species of Anania present, two were new for the year, an extremely smart Endotricha flammealis, and a maybe Tischeria dodonaea, which feeds from Sweet Chestnut trees (We have a mature one outside the front of our house, I must check for any larval workings). Specimen retained.

Running short of time and actually looking forward to a good night's sleep, after last nights mayhem.

Moth garden list for 2022 stands at 380 species

16/06/22 - Back Garden - Fordham - East Cambridgeshire - Actinic Trap
Macro Moths

Cloaked Minor 1 [NFY] 
Common Emerald 1 [NFG]
Cream-bordered Green Pea 1 [NFG]
Dwarf Cream Wave 1 [NFG]
Leopard Moth 2 [NFG]
Marbled Clover 1 [NFG]
Peach Blossom 1 [NFG]
Scarce Silver-lines 1 [NFG]
Small Blood-vein 1 [NFY]
Treble Brown Spot 1 [NFG]

Micro Moths
Agapeta hamana 1 [NFY]
Anania coronata 1 [NFG]
Anania perlucidalis 1 [NFG]
Anarsia innoxiella 2 [NFG]
Aphelia paleana1 [NFG]
Batia lunaris 2 [NFG]
Carpatolechia fugivitella 1 [NFG]
Coleophora sp 1 (TBC) 
Delplanqueia dilutella/inscriptella 1[NFG]
Dichrorampha vancouverana 1 [NFY]
Endotricha flammealis 1 [NFG]
Epinotia tedella 1 [NFG]
Eudonia pallida 1 [NFG]
Hedya salicella 1 [NFG]
Hypsopygia glaucinalis 2 [NFG]
Marasmarcha lunaedactyla 1 [NFG]
Phycitodes binaevella 1 [NFG]
Rhyacionia pinicolana 1 [NFG]
Tischeria dodonaea/ekebladella 1 (TBC) [NFY]
Yponomeuta cag/mal/pad 2
Anania coronata

Anania perlucidalis

Anarsia innoxiella

Cream-bordered Green Pea

Leopard Moth

Marbled Clover

Scarce Silver-lines

Tischeria dodonaea possible


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