I was invited by Bill Mansfield to join him at Anglesey Abbey in East Cambs.
Bill had sorted the necessary permissions out to trap here (This being only his second visit this year).
It had been a really hot day at 33 degrees and the temperature was still an incredible 26 degrees when I switched my lights on at quarter to 9!
We did have one thing that hampered us a little, that big bright moon rising fast towards the East, and with no cloud cover whatsoever it was very bright.
The breeze also got up through the night which wasn't forecast, and 2 of the traps didn't fare very well out in the open.
The Mv robinson next to the formal gardens did the best, being secluded the moths were all over the trap and in the short grass, making it fairly easy to pot moths up that hadn't made it to the trap.
I set my traps up around the top left area of the estate, and Bill concentrated on the lower left area adjacent to the wildflower meadows, which unfortunately had suffered bad from the impending drought.
The site itself is incredibly diverse, with many unusual plants and trees, a mothing paradise and I look forward to going back again very soon.
Below are the moths I recorded over my 4 lights, Bill did a seperate list, so hopefully we managed to break the 150 species barrier (I was 6 short with 144).
The best moths for me were Vestal, at least 6 Dark Sword-grass, a stunning Hedge Rustic, plenty of Clay Triple-lines, Argyresthia semitestacella, August Thorn and a nice form of Buff Footman.
Hedge Rustic is a rare moth for me, i've only taken it previously at Hexton Chalk Pit in Hertfordshire in 2015, they are very similar to Straw Underwing at night.
13/08/22 - Anglesey Abbey - East Cambridgeshire - 4 traps, 125w Mercury Robinson Trap, 160w MBT Trap, 250w Clear Mercury Robinson Trap and 40w Actinic Trap
Macro Moths
Angle Shades
August Thorn
Barred Hook-tip
Black Arches
Bright-line Brown-eye
Brimstone Moth
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Buff Footman
Burnished Brass
Canary-shouldered Thorn
Chinese Character
Clay Triple-lines
Cloaked Minor
Common Carpet
Common Rustic agg
Common Wainscot
Common Wave
Copper Underwing
Cream-bordered Green Pea
Currant Pug
Dark Sword-grass
Dingy Footman
Double-striped Pug
Dusky Thorn
Ear Moth
Flame Shoulder
Flounced Rustic
Green Carpet
Hedge Rustic
Large Yellow Underwing
Latticed Heath
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Light Emerald
Lime-speck Pug
Maple Prominent
Marbled Beauty
Marbled Clover
Mouse Moth
Orange Swift
Pale Mottled Willow
Pale Prominent
Poplar Hawk-moth
Riband Wave
Ruby Tiger
Scorched Carpet
Setaceous Hebrew Character
Shuttle-shaped Dart
Single-dotted Wave
Small Blood-vein
Small Rufous
Small Square-spot
Square-spotted Clay
Straw Dot
Straw Underwing
Tawny Wave
Tawny-barred Angle
Tree-lichen Beauty
Turnip Moth
Vine's Rustic
White-line Dart
Willow Beauty
Yellow Shell
Yellow-barred Brindle
Micro Moths
Acentria emphemerella
Achroia grisella
Acleris forsskaleana
Acleris rhombana
Acrobasis advenella
Acrobasis consociella
Adaina microdactyla
Agapeta zoegana
Agonopterix alstromeriana
Agonopterix arenella
Agriphila geniculea
Agriphila straminella
Agriphila tristella
Aphomia sociella
Aproaerema anthyllidella
Argyresthia bonnetella
Argyresthia goedartella
Argyresthia semifusca
Argyresthia semitestacella
Assara terebrella
Blastobasis adustella
Blastobasis lacticolella
Bryotropha terrella
Bucculatrix bechsteinella
Caloptilia alchimiella/robustella
Caloptilia rufipennella
Caloptilia semifascia
Calybites phasianipennella
Cameraria ohridella
Carcina quercana
Cataclysta lemnata
Celypha lacunana
Celypha rosaceana
Celypha sp pos rufana [TBC]
Cochylis dubitana
Cochylis hybridella
Cochylis molliculana
Crambus pascuella
Cydalima perspectalis
Cydia fagiglandana
Cydia pomonella
Cydia splendana
Ectoedemia decentella
Elophila nymphaeata
Emmetia marginea
Endothenia gentianaeana/marginana
Endrosis sarcitrella
Epinotia tenerana
Eudonia mercurella
Evergestis forficalis
Gelechiidae sp [TBC]
Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Metalampra italica
Mompha subbistrigella
Nephopterix angustella
Nomophila noctuella
Nymphula nitidulata
Pammene aurita
Pammene fasciana
Pandemis corylana
Phyllonorycter platani
Pleuroptya ruralis
Plutella xylostella
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
Pyrausta aurata
Pyrausta purpuralis
Roeslerstammia erxlebella
Scrobipalpa ocellatella
Stenoptilia pterodactyla
Swammerdamia pyrella
Tort id [TBC]
Udea ferrugalis
Yponomeuta cag/mal/pad
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Argyresthia semitestacella |
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August Thorns
Buff Footman
Clay Triple-lines
Gelechiidae sp
Hedge Rustic
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Pammene fasciana
Tort ID
Temple Lawn
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