On the plus side for me i've been doing rather well! although I won't shout too far about it!
The best species of the night were two examples of the uncommon Square-spotted Clay which initially I thought were Purple Clay, having never seen either of these species.
Catch Report - 31/07/11 - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap - Farmland/back garden
Macro Moths
2x Blood-vein
2x Bright-line Brown-eye
1x Brimstone Moth
3x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
2x Brown-line Bright-eye
1x Brown-tail
1x Buff Ermine
2x Buff Footman
2x Clay
7x Cloaked Minor
1x Clouded Border
4x Common Carpet
14x Common Footman
9x Common Rustic
1x Copper Underwing
8x Dark Arches
1x Dingy Footman
3x Double Square-spot
4x Dun-bar
3x Dusky Sallow
4x Dwarf Cream Wave
3x Flame Shoulder
1x Garden Carpet
1x Heart & Dart
2x July Highflyer
3x Large Twin-spot Carpet
3x Large Yellow Underwing
7x Latticed Heath
2x Least Carpet
3x Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
1x Lesser Yellow Underwing
2x Lime-speck Pug
1x Maple Pug
3x Middle-barred Minor
2x Nutmeg
1x Oak Eggar
1x Peppered Moth
1x Poplar Grey
2x Poplar Hawk-moth
1x Purple Bar
2x Red Twin-spot Carpet
9x Riband Wave
5x Ruby Tiger
2x Rustic
1x Scalloped Oak
2x Scarce Footman
1x Shuttle-shaped Dart
1x Silver-Y
3x Single-dotted Wave
1x Six-striped Rustic [NFY]
1x Small Emerald
8x Small Fan-footed Wave
1x Small Phoenix
2x Small Scallop
1x Small Waved Umber
3x Smoky Wainscot
2x Square-spotted Clay [NEW!]
16x Uncertain
1x Waved Black
2x Willow Beauty
1x Yellow Shell
1x Yellow-tail
Square-spotted Clay

Oak Eggar

Purple Bar

Small Phoenix

Six-striped Rustic

Micro Moths
3x Cnephasia sp.
1x Diamond-back Moth Plutella xylostella
2x Emmelina monodactyla
2x Udea prunalis
5x Brown House-moth Hofmannophila pseudospretella
15x Mother of Pearl Pleuroptya ruralis
3x Endotricha flammealis
6x Agapeta hamana
2x Scoparia ambigualis
3x Cochylis atricapitana
22x Chrysoteuchia culmella
2x Celypha striana
5x Phycita roborella
3x Batia unitella
2x Dipleurina lacustrata
3x Crambus perlella
6x Eucosma cana
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