I decided to do my first field trip nice and local, just incase I had any problems with my equipment. Luckily, all went smooth.
Chippenham Fen is a mere 4 minute drive from where I live and is a superb habitat, I consider myself very lucky to have a few nature reserves on my doorstep.
As with every field trip, there was plenty of planning involved and lugging heavy equipment.
But, it was certainly worth it! After a warm day of around 19 degrees and the night-time lows of around 10 celsius at 5am (It was 12c at packing up time at midnight)
We did have a bit of rain in the evening, and this persisted as extremely light drizzle up until about 10pm, but the moths didn't mind.
Species were well represented, numbers less so and i'm certainly noticing as the years go by that it's becoming rarer to get large amounts of the common species.
I ran 4 traps from sunset to midnight and recorded 39 species in total.
Highlights were plentiful, top of my list was a Female Emperor Moth!! Unbelievable to finally get one and such a perfect specimen as well.
Other top moths, were both Acleris cristana & hastiana, the latter species a new form was noted.
Also a lovely 'pink-flushed' Caloptilia elongella and some fresh V-Pug
A very successful start to the season.
12/04/22 - Chippenham Fen - East Cambridgeshire - 4 traps, 160w MBT Trap, 125w Mercury Robinson Trap, 250w Clear Mercury Robinson Trap and Actinic Trap
Macro Moths
Brindled Pug 2
Chinese Character 1
Clouded Drab 5
Common Quaker 5
Double-striped Pug 1
Early Thorn 1
Early Tooth-striped 5
Emperor Moth 1
Engrailed 6
Hebrew Character 5
Least Black Arches 5
March Moth 4
Nut-tree Tussock 12
Oak Beauty 2
Oak-tree Pug 1
Pebble Hook-tip 1
Red Chestnut 2
Red-green Carpet 1
Satellite 1
Scorched Carpet 1
Streamer 1
V-Pug 2
Water Carpet 1
Micro Moths
Acleris cristana 1
Acleris hastiana 2
Agonopterix alstromeriana 1
Agonopterix arenella 1
Caloptilia elongella 1
Caloptilia rufipennella 1
Dyseriocrania subpurpurella 2
Elachista canapennella 2
Emmelina monodactyla 2
Epinotia immundana 12
Eriocrania sangi semipurpurella 3
Euspilapteryx auroguttella 1
Ypsolopha mucronella 1
![]() |
160w MBT Trap |
Acleris cristana |
Acleris hastiana |
Acleris hastiana |
Caloptilia elongella |
Caloptilia rufipennella |
Chinese Character |
Early Tooth-striped |
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Emperor Moth |
Eriocrania sangi/semipurpurella sp |
Euspilapteryx aurogutella |
Least Black Arches |
V-Pug |
Ypsolopha mucronella |
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